WII-CLIP V8 --->  Support D2LITE 15 wires version

Discuss :  WII-CLIP V8 ---> Support D2LITE 15 wires version

Status: In stock.


The WII-CLIP V8 for D2Lite looking


The D2Lite and V8:


After soldered:


The old install diagram --- 15+4 wires:




The new WII-CLIP install diagram: Plug and Play, 0 wires
If you don't need the region free function, just pass the next step.

If need use region free option, then need solder  5 / 6 / 7 / 8  four wires) , and short the "JP1" & "JP2" to match your region:

The contents in the retail packing:


The retail packing:


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